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Download the Truckers Trip Planning App for Dispatchers here on the website at a one-time cost, save $8.00, and get PC access along with the ability to email load assignments to your drivers who are also using the Truckers Trip Planning App.

Get The All-In-One App!

48 Hour Trial/Refund Policy Applies

Compatible with IPhone, IPad, Windows PC, Windows Phone, and Android

This App is Developed and Distributed by Young And Healthy Marketing LLC!

We do not authorize or support apps downloaded from Pirated Websites!

NOTE: A PayPal Account is Not Required! Click on Try Another Method, Then select to Pay with a Debit or Credit Card!

This App is Temporarily Unavailable.

  • Built specifically for Dispatchers assigning  Solo and Team loads.

  • Recap Solo and Team HOS to see the Hours available for the Load.

  • Plan Solo and Team Loads with up to 8 stops including Rest Breaks.

  • Quickly Compare the loads required hours to the HOS available for the load.

  • Save and Recall unlimited Solo and Team Loads on Drive, Dropbox, or icloud.

  • Assign Loads to Drivers who you know can legally deliver the load on time!

  • Email Loads to Solo and Team Drivers using the Truckers Trip Planning App

  • Use on multiple devices as long as the devices are yours.

  • By downloading here on the website you save $8.00

  • See How This Truckers Trip Planning App Works!

Build a Cohesive and "WIN" "WIN" relationship with your drivers!

The Truckers Trip Planning App For Dispatchers Download

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